Are you a veterinary medical professional who is feeling overwhelmed, unsupported, or possibly even worried that you might burn out?
You're not alone. These issues are endemic to our profession and hard to ignore.
Pick up almost any issue of the JAVMA in the past several years and you’ll read about the rising incidence of mental health problems and suicide in our profession. Talk about a grave prognosis.
Many articles warn of the risks of burnout and compassion fatigue, yet few offer any solutions. It’s no joke and it’s a very common problem that veterinary professionals face.
As medical professionals, we are such a dedicated group of people, and we a face a myriad of professional demands that can easily leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsupported. This is the challenge that I help veterinary professionals overcome.

Veterinary Coaching
How I Can Help

Manage stress, shift mindset, and improve your emotional intelligence to enjoy your work again.

Discover your unique values and how to apply them to challenging situations, and untangle negative thinking to revitalize your passion.

Navigate daily challenges with more confidence and ease, and leave work feeling satisfied, purposeful, and fulfilled.

Isabelle Soga, KS
To be very honest, I was unsure as to what a professional coach really did prior to meeting Dr. Lovelace. I can confidently say that having someone who listens, is empathetic, supportive, and patient, that helps you adjust your perspectives (about yourself, about life) in order to reach your goals -- is life changing. I started working with Dr. Lovelace at a challenging time: during the pandemic, when I was so close to graduating Vet School, but the final obstacles-passing the NAVLE (veterinary board exam) while balancing clinical rotations and being a mom felt insurmountable. Dr. Lovelace helped energize me with a fresh outlook on myself and my goals. I passed my boards, found more balance during clinical rotations, and feel so connected to my son and family. I am so thankful to Dr. Lovelace for her time, her energy, and help.

Sarah Greenway, VA
Dr. Lovelace is an excellent coach. She has unique perspectives on what seem to be mundane or common problems in one's career or life. Instead of focusing only on specific problems, she helps you
toward self-improvement by uncovering what really matters to you as a person, so that you can make connections to the bigger picture and can better deal with future challenges as they arise. She even helps you set goals for the time between sessions. And, even if you haven't fully accomplished your goal yet, she is enthusiastic to encourage you and to point out your progress, which is motivating. I have learned a lot from working with her, and while not all change is instant, on the occasions when I find myself facing a new issue or challenge at work, I have caught myself time and again falling back on methods she has demonstrated with me.
Thanks Dr. Lovelace!

Sarah Shadbolt, UK
Dr. Lovelace really helped me through a very difficult chapter in my life. I was working full time and suffered through a series of four miscarriages. I had little hope and could not see how things could work out. She helped me to stay the course for my dream and to find the strength to go through the trials of IVF while continuing to show up at work and at home. Her approach was very practical and super encouraging. I always came away from our sessions feeling uplifted and with mindset strategies to get me to the next steps. I feel I am now much more self-aware, calm, can identify the negative voices in my head, and keep them from sabotaging my dreams. Now, I am looking forward to the future which was looking fairly bleak just months ago. I would highly recommend her to anyone, as everyone needs a Dr. Lovelace on their team!

Niccole Howard, GA
I can't recommend Dr. Lovelace highly enough to anyone going through tough challenges. I didn't think I needed coaching - I actually thought that I was doing fine managing some difficult situations on my own! I just wish I'd known about her sooner. After a few sessions with her, my anxiety lifted and my mindset changed. I now feel a sense of peace, calm, and confidence. My husband and mother noticed it immediately. I loved being free to ask questions and discuss things I couldn't share with family or friends. She taught me practical tools for shifting my mindset, and she is empathetic with such a generous spirit. Since working with her, I've developed my sense of intuition and learned to trust it, and I've gotten back my confidence and sense of humor. I feel better and full of hope for my future dreams and goals.

Sam Sherrick, MA
My sessions with Dr. Lovelace have helped me become a better person, veterinary student, and future veterinarian. Together we have been able to develop techniques personalized to my life, that help me take on challenges at veterinary school and in my personal life with confidence rather than doubt. Dr. Lovelace helps me create an action plan between each session, which has helped me conquer things such as pre exam anxiety and post exam self-criticism, and to develop better self-care habits for my day to day life. She is so incredibly knowledgeable and our sessions have helped me grow to create a better version of myself. I'm not as hard on myself as I used to be, and have even started to pause to celebrate my successes. I am so excited to continue to flourish with her guidance and coaching.

Garima Mohit Gupta, D.C.
Getting coached by Dr. Lovelace was one of the best decisions I have made. Each session brought me clarity, wisdom, happiness, and most importantly for me, peace. I remember the initial sessions, where I used to be, under a negative cloud, focusing on what other people thought, looking for validation outside, and henceforth I was not completely happy. Coaching and visualization techniques provided me needed peace which allowed me to focus on things that truly matter for my growth, my work, and for my family. I even started a new training program to advance my career that I had set aside after having a baby. I had a great experience coaching with her, and would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat. Now I can see the positive side of things, and am building the life I want, both at home and at work. I will always be grateful for her support!
What Clients Are Saying
Let’s Get Started
In school, you weren’t taught the secrets to a fulfilling career,
but they are every bit as foundational as anatomy or clin path.
Your own wellness, preventative care, and self-care is just as critical as that of your patients.

We all want a great quality of life for our patients, and it begins with us.
Let's Connect
@2021 by Karen Lovelace, DVM, CVMA, CPCC
The DVM Coach